Dispute Resolution Services, Inc., or DRS, provides affordable, professional assistance in resolving disputes through means such as mediation and arbitration. Many businesses, other organizations and individuals have found that such means of resolving conflicts are more economical, faster and more satisfying than litigation. Some companies that offer mediation emphasize the lengthy experience of their mediators as trial attorneys or judges. While there is no denying that such experience can be helpful, there is no substitute for good mediation skills.
While DRS does employ skilled litigation attorneys, it also uses professionals from other areas, such as psychology and counseling. (Note that just as mediators who are lawyers cannot give you legal advice, mediators who are counselors cannot give you counseling).
Further, DRS recognizes that in some instances the limited resources of the parties to the dispute and the relatively small amount at issue make it impractical to employ mediators who charge fees of $400-$500 per hour or more. At DRS, our standard hourly fee for mediation is $150.00 per party. If there are more than two parties, the standard fee is even lower for each party.
Where appropriate, DRS will reduce its fees even further and in some instances will even waive them entirely as a public service.